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Pricing Epoxy Resin Creations

Writer's picture: Michele DonohueMichele Donohue

Updated: Nov 18, 2024

Pricing art is often a difficult process for many, and one of the trickiest subjects for some artists. For some people, pricing their art can give them a lot of anxiety, and it is a real struggle to price, and more so to answer or say the price out loud. There are numerous ways people have come up with, to figure out their pricing. Ideally you'll need to find what works best for you, your creations and in your market.

You don't want to be selling at a loss, so be sure to factor in all your costs. There’s several opinions on how to price, so find what works for you. This is just a variety of miscellaneous information regarding pricing, to help give you ideas to work with. And, you may change how you do your pricing several times over the years.

Artists experience (& expertise), materials, quality of finish, creative style, market & more, are only a few factors involved in how some price their art.

With resin art wall painting, you need to consider the number of layers of resin as well, & price goes up per added layer of resin (especially on oversize pieces).

*Floral casting & other casting project pricing discussed further down in blog.

Other factors that effect your end pricing include: if you market through a service that takes commission, retail outlet, etsy, wholesale, art gallery, etc.

Keep in mind retail (& gift) stores do need a significant mark up to keep their doors open. Whatever you have in their store (while they're promoting/selling for you), should be price protected too! Use all same prices (as in the retail store), on your website (&/or posted on public media). If you choose to offer discount to family/friends, use a private coupon or other method so it never puts your resellers in a negative light (seen as undercutting the people promoting you). You can also of course, have private or separate sales too. Another option to consider, is to have pieces in different price tiers to appeal to different audiences (such as offering different types, and/or sizes and/or styles in different price ranges).

If your prices include shipping, make sure that is clear to potential customers when showing your price.

Do your research on your market. Some market areas are huge into arts & appreciate & will spend for original and quality art. Some market areas are terrible for underestimating what original art is worth. Many artists suggest rural areas are tougher to get their value in. Sometimes it seems you can only sell on the lower price scale, if selling in a non art appreciated area. If you’re in an area that doesn’t understand and pay for art value, you’ll need to expand your reach outside of said area, if that is your goal. Consider selling online, as there, the world is your oyster.

You’ll often find a huge range in prices in any market. Hobby artists might only charge their costs, & sadly sometimes even less, as they may just be happy about moving their pieces at all, even when for a loss. This can muddy the market for those who are working artists. But it occurs in all art forms. There will always be undersellers! You'll just need to elevate your own brand!!!

Also note, a person using dollar store canvases & dollar store paints doesn’t need to charge as much to recoup costs. A person using top quality substrates, top quality pigments, etc for the similar type of art is going to need to charge more to recoup costs. In general, an artist using cheaper pigments, substrates & /or cheap resin can afford lower resale prices then an artist who buys higher priced items. If creating geodes for example, you need to cover different costs of using genuine gemstones and real crystals versus non genuine products, etc. There is no right or wrong in art, but just know so many unseen things can also effect each persons pricing. Every artists costs are different from the next, so it's not surprising their resale prices are also different.

Keep in mind buyers who know much about art, and care about their art dollars spent for their art, are going to expect and assume top quality substrates and professional grade materials to always be used.

If it’s farmers or craft markets booth you’re doing by yourself, versus a professional assisted art markets or gallery, prices will be obviously different again too. You need to ensure if reselling through a store or a gallery, that you get your mark up & they get theirs. Keep your online public prices at the higher of the two, to protect your resellers. If doing a market yourself, and you feel you'd like to offer lower pricing then you have in a retail store, you can offer a show special price instead. If you don’t have resellers promoting and reselling for you, it’s a non issue for you.

Artists reputation will be affected by lack of quality in their work. If you want to be taken seriously, & command higher prices, your presentation of the art also matters. If you’re wanting to command higher prices, the front, sides & backs/bottoms are part of the presentation. Your choice of course.

Wall Art should ideally be sold to customers ready to hang. Either framed or with D-rings & picture wire on the back, that is rated for the weight of the piece.  If the piece is extremely heavy (for example any pieces over say 60lbs), hanging hardware known as a “French cleat” is designed for heavier artwork. French cleats are ones you'll often see used for large mirrors. Never leave art without hardware due to being unsure which way a customer might want to hang it. If a customer wants to change the orientation, they can arrange to do that after purchase (& at least the correct hardware is already there for them). A professional artist should always sell art so a buyer can hang it as soon as they get home, as part of properly finished and completed piece. Many art societies have a rule, at their shows, they do not allow artists to display their wall art without hanging hardware mounted on.

Buying original art is exciting for a customer, and it can be so disappointing to get it home only to discover you can not hang it up right away. Some customers might have the resources & knowledge to correctly add the hardware, but some have not got the resources or knowledge about what to use & where to place it. They just want to put it up on their wall when they get it home. If you do not finish your pieces with hanging hardware mounted, be sure to clearly state that hardware is not included or mounted.

If you’re paying to market yourself on a web page, market, business cards, promos, flyers, etc, these things need to somehow eventually be factored in to recoup overall costs. For hobby artists, this is not an added fee they have to worry about, but for a professional working artist, these costs should be covered by items you sell.

Other items many people often forget add to their overall costs: mixing cups, plastic drop cloths, bins to pour over, popsicle/mixing sticks, rubber gloves, hanging hardware, tape if masking off backs, paper towels, torch & butane used, alcohol wipes, sand paper, polish & so much more.

So it is truly never just the cost of the canvas/substrate & paint/pigments, varnish/resin and labour time you include, it’s so much more (when not a hobby artist).

I’ve heard numerous professionals and artists state, don’t undervalue your work, or others absolutely will too!!!



*** Some pricing will be too high for some, and too low for others. Don't get too hung up on any actual amounts stated below, as they are not set in stone pricing for anyone.

This is just a blog to provide a variety of hopefully helpful examples, to assist those who need help, in trying to figure out ways an artist can start to set up their own pricing structures. *** Having a pricing structure set up ahead, and posted, can take the stress off both buyer and seller.


Emerging artists often price their art at more affordable rates, while established artists can often charge higher rates as they build their collectors and presence in the art world.

One chart we've seen shows some working artists start off with .75cents to $1 per sq inch, then move up to $2-$3/ sq in range when selling at art festivals, and then increase the dollar amount once starting to work with galleries to say $6 or more per sq in. Keep in mind, with larger paintings, a smaller dollar multiplier may work out better.

For resin wall artwork, I’ve seen prices start at .50/sq inch for beginners, & go upwards of $4/ sq inch and higher, in better art markets. It depends on so many variables. I've also seen a few international resin artists price large wall art upwards of $10,000 to $20,000. And yes, they have sold to their collectors!

This chart below, has been floating around various fluid art groups for over 10 years now. If I recall correctly, It was initially created for acrylic pouring artists as a rough guideline. Keep in mind, Resin is a lot more expensive medium. So the chart is not ideal, but it can be helpful as a very rough idea for guidelines depending on various factors, for someone who really does not know where/how to start pricing.

On this per sq in pricing, it’s often not high enough on the smaller resin pieces, then still off on the larger resin pieces. Sometimes the smaller art pieces can take just as much time as the larger pieces. So just because it's small, its value isn't always based on size only. Think of diamonds. So it’s a graph that can be used as a quick resource for some, to get a rough starting number, then adjust that $ figure accordingly to each piece, your time involved (including prep up to finishing hardware and sides), and what you use & your market.

Some artists have a sliding scale and price a little less per square inch the bigger sizes they go, to keep it in a saleable range.

NOTE: This chart below is based on US $, so for Canadian dollar pricing, you would add roughly 25% to 40% (for our higher exchange rate, which can change daily), plus add costs of resin and other supplies. Again, this chart is just an example of a type of image you can create in spreadsheet with your own pricing chart for easy & quick reference. These prices do not reflect all the costs involved in this resin art medium, and are likely based on watercolour or acrylic type painting which has different supply costs. But once you have figured out your costs, you can create a chart like this for your quick reference.


Example of another artists method:

add epoxy resin cost+

between $1-$5 for incidentals mica powder colourants , stir sticks, molds, cups etc

x2 = min price to accept,

×3= wholesale


This gives you starting point add value to base number, plus labour time, and if a piece took extra prep work, or added time for sanding, layout, etc.


Example of one artist/accountant suggested method:

Material costs: Cost of "all" supplies used that will help to create a completed piece.

Direct (ie: resin and pigments), and indirect (mix cups, stir sticks, moulds, tape and parts of consumables used in creating) material costs need to be paid for somehow so need to be factored in to pricing.

Overhead: A cost or expense incurred in the general upkeep or running of your business and not attributable to specific product/item.

Profit margin: The amount of revenue/margin that is over and above your costs involved.

Time+materials = cost

You always want to recover your total "cost"..

So it can be:

Cost X 3 = price.


Several artists follow this example (method):

"You go with the market value of your item. Look for similar items on Etsy, that will give you the market value. Then you decide do you want to sell on the higher side or lower side of the market value. You might choose to price around the middle. If you sell at the higher cost they suggest you won’t sell as many (that is subjective to a variety of things though really). You don’t want to sell in the lowest because you are likely shorting yourself. And if you low ball your price below everyone. You hurt everyone including yourself."


Many artists and floral preservation artists will add their basic price guidelines on to their website, to save them and their potential customers time, in trying to communicate back and forth on unknown or unrealistic pricing. It seems to work very well for those who do. Customers also appreciate knowing and not having to ask what something might cost. You can always state there are various factors that can change the cost.


Another optional/example for resin wall art pricing very "rough" estimate guide below:

If posting your price structure on a website using specific sizes as in example here, let customers know what it may or may not include, such as:

- Price estimates below do not include any added embellishments ie: gemstones, crystals, etc. If additional resin layers are used, it will add to price of piece.

Also add more details that may be important to options, such as :

- Please enquire for non standard sizes that may be available upon request. Custom sizes may be an option, but will also require added time and potentially costs to have made.

• RECTANGLE & SQUARE ART (Canadian $ pricing).

Canadian artists who sell internationally, sometimes put their prices in US dollars, so if you do that, please ensure that it is clearly posted for buyers.

Smaller sizes will be added later when time permits

60cm (24") x 60cm (24") - From $650+

70cm (28") x 70cm (28") - From $700+

80cm (32") x 80cm (32") - From $800+

90cm (36") x 90cm (36")- From $850+

40cm (16") x 1.2m (48") - From $900+

40cm (16") x 1.8m (71") - From $1250+

50cm (20") x 1.6m (63") - From $1200+

60cm (24") x 1.2m (48") - From $1000+

80cm (32") x 1.2m (48") - From $1100+

60xm (24") x 1.5m (60") - From $1200+

80cm (32") x 1.5m (60") - From $1500+

80cm (32") x 2m (79") - From $1900+

80cm (32") x 2.5m (98") - From $2200+

90cm (36") x 1.4m (56") - From $1450+

1.2m (48") x 1.5m (60") - From $2000+

70cm (28") x 2m (79") - From $1800+

2m (79") x 1m (39") - From $2000+

1.2m (48") x 1.2m (48") - From $1600+

1.2m (48") x 1.8m (71") - From $3000+

• ROUND ART/ Also referred to as PORTHOLES (Canadian $)

30cm (12") Round - From $120 +

40cm (16") Round - From $200+

50cm (20") Round - From $350+

60cm (24") Round - From $450+

70cm (28") Round - From $500+

80cm (32") Round - From $550+

90cm (36") Round - From $700+

1m Round (40") - From $800+

1.2m (48") Round - From $1200+

1.5m (60") Round - From $1500+

Other helpful information you might want to consider adding to your website for wall art:

If you have a wait list. you can add some items such as....

• Please enquire regarding wait list. Current wait list is 6-12 weeks depending upon item.

• If you comment sold (or similar) to purchase a piece on social media page post, there is no holds. Item will not be considered sold until payment is processed.

• Deposits to secure orders will be required 1 week prior to beginning an order. ALL deposits are non refundable.

• Payments can be made via website Paypal or Square or Sezzle (etc.) whatever options your site offers . Bank details for etransfers/deposits to be transferred can be provided if an option (send email request). A receipt will be sent to you upon receiving payment. Please leave your name as your reference. If you prefer cash on collection you will be provided a receipt on the day of collection.

How long...

• Commissioned pieces can take 30 - 60 days to be completed, unless required in a specific timeframe. Please discuss with artist.

Discuss delivery....

• Once your piece is ready, I will contact you to arrange pick up (if delivery information was not already provided upon order).

Offer terms in writing....


Do you want to add or note any Disclaimers:

All products and art pieces are handcrafted one at a time, individually. Sometimes, Artists might need added time to complete due to the nature of working with resin creations. State something like this in your pricing structure so people realize you may need more time then initially thought.

There may be unavoidable blemishes/variations that are not flaws. Such variations are inherent in the manufacturing of handmade products, so you may find minor distinctions that make your purchase special and truly one-of-a-kind.

Please note that while I try to accurately display the colours of products, the actual colours you see will depend on your monitor/screen and may not be exact. You may request a video of the item as well.

All wall art must be hung soon after purchase to avoid bowing. Please do not leave art in extreme cold or heated locations. Artist is not responsible for mis-handling of art.

We pack all pieces with great care and as meticulously as possible to avoid damage, we do not accept responsibility for damage that occurs during the shipping stage.

When they ask you if you could take it back or resell again, what's your policy ...

Once you have received your art, I do not offer refunds AFTER you have recieved it due to of incorrect size request or colour choices. Once a transaction is complete the piece belongs to you.

Not all people understand... you may want to add a statement in your listings such as....

Creative rights to all my creations remain with the artist even after a sale. While you own the original piece, the creative rights to the artwork always remain with the original artist as per Canadian Copyright law. So no reproductions of any kind, may be made without written consent from original artist.

Maybe add your details on refunds.... such as...

Refunds will not be issued due to change of mind, change of circumstances or incorrect size selection.

You will, however, be entitled to a refund or replacement (at discretion of artist) for a major problem with a product/ piece.


Floral Preservation casting is another area where it can be tricky to figure out pricing, as there really is so much more behind the scenes that goes in to this artform, (besides just resin and moulds) that needs to be accounted for in final pricing.

Floral preservation artists often have a few or many mould styles to choose from. Sometimes there is add-on options offered "after" a minimum $ volume is ordered/purchased.

Here some very rough pricing (examples only). Each artists needs to charge what works best for their circumstances and costs are variable for each. Again, no right or wrong pricing, as each person has different costs & labour involved, but here are some ballpark pricing estimates to assist artists on their pricing structure path.

6″ x 6″ x 3"d Square- $375 - 450+

8″ x 8″ x 3"d Square- $525 - 600+

10″ x 10″ x 3"d Square- $650 - 725+

12″ x 12″ x 3"d Square- $775 - 850+

6″ x 8″ Rectangle- $475 - 550+

8″ x 11″ Rectangle- $575 - 650+

Heart - if you aren't sure yet, but have a new mould, you can put, please enquire.

Heart - please enquire

7″ Hexagon- $475 - 550+

22.8cm (9") h x 26cm (10 1/4")w x 7.6cm (3") d Hexagon- $550 - 625+ (apx 3400ml/115 fl oz)

11″ Hexagon- $675 - 750+

6.5″ x 10.5″ Arch- $525 - 600+

4.3″ x 7″ Arch- $375 - 450+

150mm (6") diam (5" tall) Sphere - n/a coming soon (1500ml / 51 fl oz)

130mm (5")diam (4 1/4"tall) Sphere - n/a coming soon (apx 1100ml/37 fl oz)

100mm (4") Sphere - please message for pricing (example when you don't know your costs yet).

80mm (3.2") Sphere - If your mould is not longer working well, you can just add not currently available (if you're planning to purchase same mould again in future).

60mm (2.3") Sphere - not currently available

4"w x 4.75"h Small Gem Shape - $300 - 375+

5.25"w x 6.5"h Large Gem Shape - $400 - 475+

2.75"h x 1.5"w Small Ring Holder - $75 - 125+

4"h x 2.5"w Large Ring Holder - $100 - 150+

4″ Round Coaster (one pc) - $35 - 60+ each (made w high heat epoxy)

4" Coasters Set of four - $80 -200+/4 (made w high heat epoxy)

(apx sz) 1"w x 1.2"h Pendants (round, square, teardrop shape) - $35 - 55+ (depending on inclusions, does not include chains)

Floral preservation artists all have their own contracts that are important for both buyer and artist alike. Things like Turn around time, which can be anywhere from 3-6 months depending on order size, and condition of florals received. Busy seasons at different time of year may affect turn-around time. Design wishes/preferences, which florals are important to include, and more details are covered in the contract.


Various casting resin project pricing examples

Pricing examples of solid resin cast coaster :

The cost of a bottle of 64oz resin at approx $85 divided by 64oz, equals $1.33 per oz.  It takes roughly 4 oz per coaster. So cost of resin only is 4oz x 1.33 = for resin only $5.32/coaster.  Add costs in of anything added to the coaster, like mica (pastes, tints), glitter, gold paint or pen on sides, gemstones, rocks, etc.

Then you have to give your self a pay, so if total of supplies is $6.00 for example, some will multiply that by a minimum of 2 (= $12/coaster), & others by 3 (= $18/coaster). If selling via a reseller, you need to add more.

Example of a 1 gallon resin kit costing $151 (inclg delivery), divided by 128oz, is $1.18 per oz. X 4oz per coaster for resin only is $4.72/coaster. Plus add any added item costs then multiply by 2 or 3 for your time. Add more if selling through a reseller that takes commission.

Example of a 2 gallon kit costing $251 (inclg delivery), divided by 256oz, is .98 cents x 4oz per coaster is, for resin only $3.92/coaster. Plus add any added item costs, then multiply by 2 or 3.

***If retail commissions are involved, multiply costs by minimum of 3 or 4 or more (depending on commission costs, to ensure you also get your value).

If your projects regularly require added labour for sanding, buffing & polishing, you’ll need to add more to your resale value, to ensure you cover your time, & extra expenses involved. .

Plus add costs of rubber stick-ons on bottom, (or cork or felt on bottom). Are you using ribbon or tissue  packaging for said coasters? If so add that in to your costs as well.


If you're creating pieces in resin moulds, the mould might be a cost you want to incorporate a percentage of it as well. Silicone moulds don't last forever. Numerous custom silicone moulds can run an artist hundreds of dollars (or in the thousands for some working artists), so on castings made in those moulds, you'll want to have a percentage of it covered. For example, if a silicone mould only lasts you 10 casts, then you can divide the cost of the silicone mould by 10, to add that amount to cost of creating said resin casting from that mould.


Another example of a pricing method some artists use:

1. Cost of supplies + $10-20 per hour - or whatever you want as an hourly rate! (total time spent making product) = Price A.

2. Cost of supplies x 3 = Price B.

3. Price A + Price B divided by 2 (to get the average between these two prices) = Price C.

4. Compare Price C to your market research and adjust accordingly.

Pricing is a weird thing, people will often associate a low price with poor quality and look over something that is $5 only to buy the exact same item somewhere else but pay $30. When you price, make it so you are working smarter not harder.


Epoxy Resin Countertop rough pricing:

Epoxy countertop pricing (as anything else), will vary in pricing depending on numerous factors. In general, basic costs can be between $100 to $300 per square foot. For more custom, or for more extensive countertops, the price per square foot can go up accordingly. Since epoxy countertops are used in several laboratories, the cost can skyrocket like no other. Make sure you are clear about the pricing.


Find your pricing method (it may take a few different tries to figure it out), and create a structure that works comfortably for you and your art!

I hope this information is helpful to those who need to see some examples to get started in the difficult task of pricing your art.

Have fun creating!

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